Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sept 7, 2010

This came a day later than usual because of Labor Day and the libraries being closed.

We have continued our standard lesson with the members and have been able to begin following up with some of them. One family, the Woods, drew a flower and put it on their wall in a frame. Each petal represents a standard that they want to set. They are then going to make petals of the same color (All the petals are different colors) and put a different pedal in a different part of their house to remind them of the covenants that they have made with the Lord. It is great to see the different ideas that members are coming up with for their standards. The members are also starting to have missionary experiences. So far the response has been positive.
The Branch put on a softball team against the Anniston Ward yesterday for Labor day. It was also our P-Day so we were able to go to that. It was fun and we had a good time.
The weather is starting to cool down a bit. It is definitely getting colder at night. The days are starting to have cool breezes. It makes none car days a whole lot nicer.
Tomorrow we will be going to the temple. This is my fist time going to the temple on my mission. I am truly looking forward to it. I plan on making it a point to go often when I get home.
Transfers will be next week. I am not 100% sure what all is going to happen but I know a few things that will be happening. I will let you know what happens next week.
I love you all very much!
-Elder Oliekan

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